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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Crisis and Opportunity

You got to give it to these idiots they really pick the worse time to screw the system up. With the economy going from bad to worse this mess could really hurt the country we cannot afford a constitutional crisis and that just what this thing would trigger. But I say if we must have one lets make it worth the cost! We need some real change in our democracy.

I don't know about you but we could use a Presidential system right about now. I want to vote for the leader of my country and I don't want him or her to be nominated or removed at the whim of a political elite. And while we are at it I want an elected senate and an end to confidence vote and line of party. We had four federal election since 2000 that one every two years it time for fixed election term! And separation of power between The Administration, The Judicial and The Legislative! The list is pretty long but considering the mess we have on our hands right now it badly needed.

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