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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quebec city new arena and journalistic hypocrisy!

Vancouver Olympic cost
$6-9 billion

G8 and G-20 Toronto summit security cost. 1 Billion maybe 2 we may never kow

The next time you hear bitching at the Federal, Provincial and Municipal government paying for the construction of a new arena in Quebec city remember all that money spent somewhere else.

Also remember that the Montreal Canadiens renegotiated their municipal Tax to get a sweetheart deal a few years ago! By the way that Tax break is going to cost more to the city of Montreal over the next five years than what the city of Quebec will spend on their own new arena. Remember every museum, festival and cultural center that are getting public money every year! Remember every Canadian movies and TV shows that are getting generous tax break!  So I got to ask where were you to preach fiscal restrain? When GM got their ass saved with money from the Federal I did not hear many Ontarian bitch too much about that!

Back then where the hell was all these offended taxpayers when under the Liberals the Human Resource Development Department lost a billion, not spent, not wasted just fucking lost! If you are coming out of the woodwork to bitch about public money spent to build a municipal arena now you are way, way too late...
Am not exactly trill at the way this new arena will be build but I despise all the "vierge offencée" that we are hearing this week! Sure it done for political reason but guess what everything a politician does is for political reason!

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