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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Field of Schemes new post Emanuel walks out of news conference when asked about Ricketts and Wrigley reno

Oh, yes, Rahm Emanuel is going to milk this Ricketts family controversy over anti-Obama ads for all it's worth:

Mayor Rahm Emanuel laughed and then walked out of a news conference on Wednesday when asked why he has not returned an apologetic phone call from [Tom] Ricketts after revelations surfaced about his father’s involvement in a conservative SuperPAC considering a $10 million plan to attack the president by resurrecting the Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy.
The mayor also refused to say whether he believes the political controversy caused by family patriarch Joe Ricketts’ SuperPAC would sabotage the Cubs’ appeal for a $150 million taxpayer subsidy to help renovate Wrigley Field.

Ricketts later told a radio interviewer that "the mayor's got a lot on his plate" and "I'm cool with whatever timing works," which makes it sound like he's prepared to take his lumps in public over this so long as eventually he's allowed back into Emanuel's good graces. The best bet here is still that negotiations over a Wrigley Field renovation — which, notwithstanding what the Chicago Sun-Times says above, could actually involve as much as $300 million in taxpayer subsidies — will eventually pick up where they left off.

In the meantime, it would be nice if the Chicago media would use the added time to investigate how the renovation finances would work, how it would affect revenue for both the Cubs and the city, and what it would mean for the look and feel of Wrigley. But reporting on Rahm's daily hissy fit is more fun, and easier.

from Field of Schemes

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