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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Field of Schemes new post Coyotes referendum backers fail to produce signatures, but promise lots of lawsuits!

That Glendale voter referendum on the Phoenix Coyotes subsidy deal may not be such a sure thing after all: Apparently the law requires 1,800 signatures (10% of the last election turnout) to be filed within 30 days of the council vote being challenged. That would make the deadline yesterday. Only referendum advocates Ken Jones and Joe Cobb say they have an extra eight days, because they're counting from the judge's ruling that authorized the petition gathering. (Which was actually June 19, not June 16. So I'm actually not clear what they're counting from.)

In any event, Jones and Cobb declined to submit any petitions yesterday, and instead plan to submit them a week from tomorrow, and you know what that means: lawsuits! Which is good, because from all indications Glendale residents would rather watch lawsuits than watch hockey anyway.

Meanwhile, the right-libertarian Goldwater Institute is still threatening to sue under the "gift clause" of the Arizona constitution, which states that no public agency shall "give or loan its credit in the aid of, or make any donation or grant, by subsidy or otherwise, to any individual, association, or corporation." Because they just love suing under that gift clause, though they usually use it against public sector unions.

Notes NBC Sports' hockey blogger: "It’s all muddled, as per usual, but we’ll pass along updates until this seemingly eternal tug-o-war actually ends. I mean, it has to end at some point, right?" I'm pretty sure that's not guaranteed in the Arizona constitution.

from Field of Schemes

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