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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Field of Schemes new post Sacramento arena declared even deader than dead

In case you had any delusions that Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson's plan to build an arena with no team to play in it was anything more than a pipe dream, it's officially dead now:

The mayor says he asked AEG if it would consider duplicating what it did in Kansas City - investing in an arena without an anchor tenant.
The answer was no.
"They just say in this market, in this economy, they took a risk, in Kansas City and it panned out, but it's not a risk they'd like to take over and over again without an anchor tenant," the mayor said.

The big question now — okay, actually the big question ever since the Kings deal first fell apart back in April — is whether the Maloof family now intends to move the team (or sell it to someone else who will), or will have another go at working out an arena deal in Sacramento. It seems bizarre that they'd back away from a nearly completed deal at the last minute only to come back and resume negotiations, but then, they did this once before already. I don't think anyone can guess what the Maloofs are thinking at this point — possibly including the Maloofs.

from Field of Schemes

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