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Friday, August 10, 2012

Field of Schemes new post Darryl LeClair, St. Pete-lovin’ man of mystery

Long profile in today’s Tampa Bay Times of Darryl LeClair, the man who says he wants to build a new <B>Rays</b> stadium on land he owns in St. Petersburg. And what do we learn about the viability of his plans?

  • “Last year, the real estate developer spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on designs for a new Pier. His plans were rejected, but that didn’t dampen his resolve to stay involved in mapping the city’s future.”
  • “Friends say LeClair has boundless energy, especially when it comes to discussing St. Petersburg’s future. He has been known to wrap friends into two or three hour conversations about the city.”
  • “Said [St. Petersburg Mayor Bill] Foster: ‘He’s a thinker. He is pretty passionate about the city where he lives.’”
  • “LeClair, a University of Florida graduate who is married with two sons, lives in a 16,000- square-foot home on Snell Isle. Built in 2002, it is valued at more than $3 million.”
  • “LeClair did not respond to a reporter’s request for comment for this story.”

Nice work if you can get it. At least until the Roombas take over.

from Field of Schemes

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